The Doctrine Of Christ

We’ll be starting our study of the “doctrine of Christ” during our weekly Friday bible studies. This study focuses on some very critical and important foundations of the Christian faith. Our understanding of these truths will  give us a clear understanding of Christ and help us to distinguish between true Christianity and false religion which sometimes refer to Christ. We’ll be looking specifically at:

  1. The virgin birth of Christ
  2. The incarnation of Christ
  3. The deity of Christ
  4. The humanity of Christ
  5. Christ died for us all
  6. The bodily resurrection of Christ


We’ll be starting our “Gifted” teaching series this month, which will focus on the spiritual gifts  that Christians receive from the trinity or God head: Gifts of the father (Romans 12:3-8), gifts of the Son (Ephesians 4:10-11) and gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7-10). Most of the time when we hear about spiritual gifts, we often think only about the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, there are other gifts that God gives to us to help us fulfil our individual call.

Have a great month ahead.

Pastor Benson